Since 1st October 2022 Winchester City PCN are commissioned to provide a Primary Care Enhanced Access service offering an additional 58 hours of clinical capacity outside of core practice hours.
Service location
Badger Farm Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4QB
Service hours
Weeknights 1730-2030
Saturdays 0900-1700
Services available now
GP appointments
Long Term Condition reviews
Proactive screening and assessments
Child & adult immunisations
MSK FCP Physio Assessments
Phlebotomy (blood taking)
How to book/ eligibility
In order to make an appointment please contact your registered practice and ask for a ‘Badger Farm Enhanced Access’ appointment who can arrange this for you.
Note the type of appointments offered within clinic depends on the staffing skills we have timetabled . It is not a guarantee that all the above list will be available every day. Appointments are only made available to registered patients at either The Friarsgate Practice, St Clements Surgery and St Pauls Surgery.
Data Sharing
Although this service is an extension to your GP Practice capacity, please note it is operated by Winchester City PCN. If you book a hub appointment you are consenting to share your medical record with the provider. Winchester City PCN will have full access to your record and any consultation notes will be shared back live to your GP Practice.